What is Climb+Pick+Give?
Part of the joy of climbing and skiing adventures are that they force us to make consequential decisions and they challenge us to take action. The Climb+Pick+Give Program is developed with that spirit in mind.
Here's how it works: Research the organizations below, determine which one personally connects with your core values, and then, when scheduling your adventure, let us know which organization you'd like to support. We'll donate $10 from each guided event you put on the calendar to the important work of that organization. The Climb+Pick+Give Program was inspired by a similar effort from Kayak Adventures Worldwide—we laud their socially-conscious guide operation's business innovation.

The Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land doesn't just work to save land, they save land for people to enjoy, from neighborhood parks to national parks. Join them in their mission to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.

Big City Mountaineers
Big City Mountaineers instills critical life skills in under-resourced youth through transformative wilderness mentoring experiences and seeks to create a nation transformed by youth connected to and empowered by nature.

Vermont Land Trust
The VLT protects farms, forests, habitat, water, and places to get outdoors. Tjhey work to make land more accessible to farmers and communities. Through conservation easements, the VLT protects a variety of forests, farmlands, and recreation areas. Most of the land the VLT protects is privately owned and actively farmed or managed for timber. Farmland and forests are critical to the rural economy and the Vermont way of life. Additionally, the VLT raises awareness about land-management issues, such as invasive species, water quality, and wildlife habitat protection.

Natural Resources Defense Council
The NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. They accomplish this through a variety of channels, including public advocacy, parntering with business, and supporting scientific research in the natural world.

Climbing Resource Access Group of Vermont
CRAG-VT is dedicated to preserving access and conservation of Vermont’s climbing resources. Their efforts have been integral to opening climbing access to most of northwestern Vermont's popular crags have been opened to climbing due to it's efforts, and climbing areas around the state have had access preserved through CRAG-VT's efforts. They serve the climbing community of Vermont through a variety of mechanisms, including conservation easements, landowner agreements, and property purchases. CRAG-VT serves climbers, land managers, landowners, and the general public as an educational resource for responsible climbing, access status, historical information, species and habitat protection, and legal matters. Additionally, they promote responsible stewardship and reduce environmental impacts by conducting trail maintenance, volunteer clean-ups, and producing educational materials.
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